Herd Work


The farm periodically works groups of cattle for weaning, vaccinations, worming, breeding, and occasionally testing for disease. A few weeks ago the farm had a few groups of young cows tested for Bovine Tuberculosis. This is a common test that is just like the Tuberculosis test humans get. The State of Georgia is an Accredited Tuberculosis free state by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Farms with in the state can have certification as a Bovine Tuberculosis free herd. The Herdsman’s farm carries this certification and test each year to maintain certification. 067

The day starts earlier than usual to make sure all morning chores are done. Then it’s time to saddle up the horses and gather the designated groups.  Once the cattle are gathered, the cattle crew pushes (directs) the cattle to the working facility.  087

Once the Veterinarian has administered the test to all the cattle, its time to push them back to where they came from. The work is not done, three days later the cattle will be gathered once more to verify the injection site for reaction.

The cattle move through the process of the pens with patience most of the time. occasionally a stubborn one will hold up the line, but who likes to see the doctor anyway?

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